Join us at embedded world North America 2024!
October 8-10, 2024 | Austin Convention Center | Austin, Texas

We are excited to announce that we will be attending embedded world North America 2024! This is the must-attend event for professionals involved in all aspects of embedded systems. Don’t miss the chance to visit us at Booth #2615!
At QA Systems, we are committed to helping you navigate the evolving landscape of embedded systems. We will be showcasing our cutting-edge safety-critical software testing technologies:
Automated coding standards compliance for C/C++ code 
QA-MISRA: A powerful static analysis tool, enabling developers to comply with C/C++ coding standards for functional safety (MISRA, AUTOSAR etc) and security (CERT and CWE etc). It also provides insights through metrics and visualisations into source code quality.
Automated unit and integration testing for C/C++ code 
Cantata: Our unit and integration testing tool for C/C++ software, designed to automate testing and enhance quality. It allows developers to verify standard-compliant or business-critical code on both host native and embedded target platforms.
Safety standards compliance for GoogleTest suites 
Cantata Hybrid: The world’s first certification engine for Google tests. It generates test results evidence seamlessly combined with code coverage data without migrating tests or learning a new tool.
Never Heard About Cantata Hybrid?
Most companies using GoogleTest for safety-critical development face impractical certification options: rewriting tests in a qualified tool or the costly process of qualifying GoogleTest. Cantata Hybrid provides a better solution, enabling teams to use their existing GoogleTest investment while achieving full safety certification.
No other tool worldwide offers a certification solution for Google tests!

Curious? Get a live demo at embedded world with free admission to the exhibition using following code:
Early Bird Expo Only (available until September 5th)
Code is EBO24
Mark your calendar and register now here!
Don’t forget to bring your registration confirmation. We hope to see you there!

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QA Systems - Driving Embedded Software Quality
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